Okay, reader.
It has been over a year and almost 2 weeks since I've last used this blogger account. My life has been pretty crazy in all the time that has passed - even before the epidemic plagued the world. I didn't forget about the writing that I was doing here, but I know that my heart was not truly set on it - and I decided to take this time as the opportunity to address it.
At my core, I am a creator and performer for visual media - not a column article writer. Through this blog, and through the class that required me to make it, I was able to come to this conclusion. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn how to do all of this, even if I am not interested in pursuing it much further than this (at least for the time being).
Besides, I never really found the right footing on this platform or touched enough base with an audience (the most viewers I had from any posts on this site was 29, and that was on one of my earliest posts before the numbers significantly dipped).
It was never my intention to gather a following from doing this anyway, but it was discouraging to see how little payoff came from the effort poured into my earlier articles. I had 3 more drafted and several more ideas ready to write for, but I just did not see a point to writing things that would mostly be left unread.
At the very least, I wanted to leave my final post on this blog with an explanation of all that has happened and what will be happening going forward.
In the months since, I worked on a few more stop-motion animation films and some voice dubs on the Stealthabotte channels - winning 2nd place in one animation contest while taking 1st in another. I also worked on several live action short films across two semesters.
Daredevil Dub
I have long since aced the class where I had to run this blog, along with another semester full of classes and performances. I have enjoyed watching various shows and films that would have made for great content for this blog, but lacking the time to even do the filmmaking that I am truly passionate for made this blog even less of a priority to me. I am currently in another semester (ironically enough, I am currently enrolled in a class where I had to create an e-portfolio which I have to essentially run like a blog - but it's more personally oriented when compared to the aims of this account).
So... What'll happen to this blog?
Well, I think I'm going to leave it up in its current state. I like to think about this as a time capsule in my content creating past. This was a short lived but important chapter in my life that I do not want to necessarily forget about, especially after all of the time and effort that was spent making it possible - besides, I advertised it temporarily in one of my YouTube vids, and would hate for that to lead to nothing.
If you would like to see what I'm up to nowadays, you can always check in on my instagram (@stealthabotte) or click the link below to my YouTube channel.
Check my channel out by clicking or copy-pasting
this link into your web browser:
this link into your web browser: