Okay, Reader.
I have some extremely exciting news.
It might be fairly obvious by the looks of this blog, or my YouTube channel which I shamelessly plug in all of my posts on this blog, but I am a really big geek for superhero screen content.
The first superhero movie I invested my time in watching was Marvel's The Avengers, and it instantly hooked me on the premise of superhero characters on screen.

The first superhero movie I was able to see on the big screen was its sequel, Avengers: Age of Ultron - and in the years since, I have considered myself a fairly devoted fan of superhero films, watching a vast majority of them in the theaters in the first few weeks of being out.

However, I managed to garner myself an incredible, unexpected opportunity, that might give my blog and status as an author some serious credibility;
For the first time ever, I will be attending an early screening event for a movie:
Need a hint? Look closely at this post's title...
I'll wait for you to piece it together...
Give up?
I'll SAY HIS NAME (this is a painfully obvious reference)
Drumroll, please...
DC's Shazam!
A huge thank you goes out to Fandango, Warner Brothers, New Line, and DC, for hosting a screening in my area and for making tickets available for purchase online in advance!
Some background context; I am a very big fan of Zachary Levi as an actor, and felt he was wasted as Fandral in the Thor franchise at Marvel Studios - so you can imagine my excitement when he was cast in the lead role for this upcoming DC film.

I'm more of a Marvel fan personally, as I felt that DC characters are oftentimes overpowered and invulnerable - which makes their on-screen versions less relatable. Marvel characters were stronger as a result of their character flaws and weaknesses, resonating with audiences enough to make the most powerful among them easy to identify with - so why would I choose a DC film as the first movie I attend an early access screening for?
Shazam! (otherwise known as Captain Marvel in DC Comics, which can be confusing) is an ironic outlier in the equation of good superhero character storytelling (in my personal opinion.) Despite having the same superpower set as fellow DC character Superman, it's the gimmick behind his specific character that makes him vulnerable - being an 11 year old that can turn into a superhuman adult - which makes all of the difference for me.
On top of this, all of the film trailers have showcased a surprisingly humorous take on a heartwarming tale, through visually impressive and stylistic cinematography and editing.
And, as an additional biased bonus, the film takes place in the city of Brotherly Love - which I live in the suburbs of (not saying where specifically obviously).
Part of me hopes this film would be the flagship for a new universe, disconnected from the DCEU that produced the underwhelming Justice League, but at the very least, it's looks to be a course correcting step in the right direction.
![]() |
^What I hope Shazam! will do with the Justice League DCEU continuity^ |
You're probably sick of reading my little tangent, and are simply wondering what I'm sharing on the blog regarding the film;
Well, after the screening, I intend on writing a NON-SPOILER review.
Since the film has another 2 weeks prior to it's official U.S. release, I have no intention of ruining the experience for anyone else wanting to go in with mostly fresh eyes.
As someone who had the ending to Avengers Infinity War ruined for me before I could see it for myself, I take spoilers online incredibly seriously. Nothing I write will mention things not shown or mentioned in existing marketing for the film.
I will describe my expectations going in, my theatrical experience, and baseline pros and cons regarding the film itself - whether or not it is actually a good film, and worth the overpriced theater ticket.
When will this be shared to blog?
Expect it to drop some time tomorrow or next weekend... Stay tuned...
Any questions or suggestions for me?
Feel free to get in touch with me by emailing
Feel free to get in touch with me by emailing
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if I continue running this blog
after the college course is done,
but for now, you can direct message me
on Instagram - @stealthabotte
if I continue running this blog
after the college course is done,
but for now, you can direct message me
on Instagram - @stealthabotte
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